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Scientific Nutrition

Our Science

Whitetail deer need Total Digestible Nutrition (TDN) for their health, growth, and reproduction. TDN refers to nutrients in food they can digest. For these plant-eating deer, high TDN forage is vital. It gives them energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals for growth and survival. Low TDN can lead to poor health, less antler growth in males, fewer babies born, and more sickness. So, keeping habitats with TDN-rich plants is crucial for healthy deer and a balanced environment.


Digestible energy is crucial for Whitetail deer. It powers their daily activities like eating, avoiding predators, and breeding. It helps fawns grow, keeps adults healthy, and supports reproduction and antler growth. Deer look for places with lots of easy-to-digest plants, which affects where they go and live. Having access to these energy-rich spots keeps deer thriving and helps ecosystems stay healthy.


Whitetail deer get digestible energy from plants like grasses, legumes, and other vegetation in their home. They pick plants with lots of carbs, proteins, and fats. If food is scarce, they might eat crops, fruits, nuts, or fungi. In winter, they use stored body fat to stay strong. Overall, plants are the main energy source for Whitetail deer.


Our Ingredients




Roasted Soy Beans

High Protein Content:  Soybeans are rich in protein, which is essential for muscle development, growth, and overall health in deer. Roasting soybeans can make the protein more digestible, ensuring that deer can efficiently utilize this important nutrient.

Energy Source: Soybeans also contain carbohydrates and fats, which provide a concentrated source of energy for deer, especially during periods of high metabolic demand such as winter or the rutting season.

Nutritional Balance: Roasted soybeans can contribute to a balanced diet for deer, complementing other forage and feed sources to ensure they receive a diverse range of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.

Attractant: The aroma and taste of roasted soybeans can serve as an attractant, enticing deer to feeding stations or specific areas, making them easier to observe and manage for hunters or wildlife enthusiasts.

Roasted Peanuts

High Energy Content: Peanuts are rich in fats and carbohydrates, providing a concentrated source of energy for deer. This is particularly beneficial during periods of high energy expenditure, such as winter or the rutting season.

Protein Source: While not as high in protein as soybeans, peanuts still contain a moderate amount of protein, which is essential for muscle development, growth, and overall health in deer.

Nutritional Variety: Adding roasted peanuts to a deer's diet can provide nutritional variety, supplementing other forage and feed sources to ensure they receive a diverse range of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.

Attractant: The aroma and taste of roasted peanuts can serve as an attractant, drawing deer to feeding stations or specific areas, making them easier to observe and manage for hunters or wildlife enthusiasts.

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WHole Corn

Nutritional Value: Whole corn is rich in carbohydrates and provides essential energy for deer, especially during periods of high activity or in harsh winter conditions when other food sources are scarce.


Caloric Density: Corn is calorie-dense, which helps deer maintain their body condition and energy levels throughout the year, crucial for survival during the rut and winter months.


Digestibility: While whole corn is not as digestible as some other foods, deer can still derive nutritional benefit from it, particularly in the colder months when their metabolism slows down and they can better utilize the energy from corn.


Supplemental Feeding: Whole corn can be used as part of a broader supplemental feeding program to support overall deer health and growth. When combined with other nutritional supplements, it can help  contribute to better antler development and overall herd health.

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Fiber Supplement

Digestive Health: High-fiber foods help maintain digestive health in deer by promoting proper gut function and regular bowel movements. This is crucial for efficient digestion and nutrient absorption, ensuring that deer can extract maximum nutrition from their diet.

Gut Microbiome: Fiber-rich foods support a healthy gut microbiome in deer, fostering the growth of beneficial bacteria that aid in digestion and nutrient processing. A balanced microbiome contributes to overall health and immunity, helping deer resist diseases and other health issues.

Satiety: Fiber has a filling effect, helping deer feel full and satisfied after eating. This can regulate food intake and prevent overconsumption, particularly important in environments with limited forage availability.

Dental Health: Chewing high-fiber foods promotes dental health in deer by wearing down their teeth and preventing overgrowth. This ensures that deer can continue to effectively grind and process their food for digestion.

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